Tavilo-Seyev Social Responsıbılıty Projects

  • The Filiz Koc Library of Ordu Science School, which is the second school we constructed within the scope of the social responsibility project “Furniture That Lets Us Talk To The World” that is implemented in partnership of TAVİLO and SEYEV (Seda Yekeler Education Foundation), was brought into service on March 30th, 2018 with participation of Mr. Hasan ACU, Altinordu District Director of National Education.

    Adopting the slogan ‘Talk to the World’ for the social responsibility project of Tavilo and Seyev, Tavilo initiated the project through TAVILO education furniture and through Seda Yekeler Education Foundation (SEYEV) volunteers who donated 3500 books to the school. The project which was initiated at March 30th Friday and aims at offering new horizons and supporting reading habits of students at Ordu Science School  will continue to add value to language students by enriching it with Seyev’s academic pursuits and scientific studies.

    The library which provides a comfortable study area to students also includes foreign language training materials. During her “Be the Architect of Your Own Life” seminar held after the opening, Seyev Board Chairman Seda YEKELER talked with students who have shown country-wide success about exam anxiety management and things to consider when moving towards success. Seda YEKELER took questions from students at the end of this quite popular seminar.

    During the project opening hosted by Ordu District Director of National Education Hasan ACU, we have learned that 10,000 books will be donated until 2019 and 6 school projects will be initiated throughout Turkey in 2018 in the scope of the the ‘Furniture that Communicated with the World’ project.


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